Silent Sunday


BavarianSojourn said…
Some great halloween gifts there! :)
Stacy said…
Are they socks? It took me a while to even start guessing!
MsCaroline said…
Emma- yes, I should have bought some to wear to school in October!

Stacy - Yes, they're peds (or whatever you call them.) I have never lived anywhere with so many different sorts of socks for sale everywhere you go and these just caught my attention. I guess in a country where you're always taking your shoes off, socks are 'on display' much more than they are in the West. Makes sense!
Wilma said…
Those are cool! They would be great for crazy sock day. LOL
Nance said…
I would buy those! Specifically, the ones on the bottom row, mostly to the right. The two on the left look a little...un-PC.

MsCaroline said…
Wilma - I thought of that, too!

Nance - One of the things you discover in Asia is that the PC concept still hasn't really arrived here. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that Korea and China and Japan (and let's face it - most of this stuff is made in China anyway) are still very homogeneous societies. The idea that different groups might not find the same things funny and that one should therefore give thought to this out of consideration for one's fellow person? Not really on the radar at the moment....
Nance said…
MsC--I get it. I guess I was primarily thinking in the context of me, or anyone I would get them for, wearing them here in the US. It might appear insensitive at least and racist at most.
MsCaroline said…
Nance - Oh, I hear you loud and clear. After a career teaching in US public schools, I am pretty well on autopilot when it comes to being PC - I would hate to think that I'd inadvertently hurt someone's feelings with my socks! One of the interesting things about teaching overseas (and especially in a school connected to a considerably more homogeneous culture) has been trying to be comfortable with all the non-PC stuff I run across. For example, when the preschool/elementary teachers want their kids to go very quietly, the phrase they use is, 'Go quietly, like Indians." I could go on, but you get the idea. I'm with you on the socks, though. I'd have thought the same thing.

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