Silent Sunday

I know Silent Sundays are supposed to be wordless, but since I was already violating the rules by posting 2 photos anyway, I figured there was no point in being a stickler for details.  The photo above was taken today on the Han River, west of the Hannam Bridge, on a day that made one think that Spring couldn't be far off.   All those dark little figures in the water are ducks.  For whatever reason, hundreds - maybe thousands - of ducks are concentrated in huge swaths along this part of the river - wonderfully refreshing to see in the middle of the 'concrete jungle.'  What's even more remarkable is that this is only a small section of the river.  I only had my phone with me, so it's hard to tell, but you'll have to take my word for it.

Here's a little better close-up:  


Stacy Rushton said…
That's a HUGE flock of ducks! Are they there for the winter and will fly back farther north come summer or do they live there year round? I love your glimpses of nature in the middle of the big city!
MsCaroline said…
Stacy - I'm pretty sure they live here year-round! There are always ducks along the river closer to my apartment, but I just started walking this far down the river in December and was shocked to discover this huge swath of ducks as far as the eye could see. I wish I'd had a really good camera. It is just staggering. You can only imagine what my Louisiana sportsman husband was thinking.; )
Family Affairs said…
Gosh - millions of them! Great photo Lx
MsCaroline said…
FA - thanks - and it's only a tiny fraction of them!
Rainbow Motel said…
Silent Sunday. This is a great idea!! If I participate, it could mean that I post more than once a month. It's worth a try.
MsCaroline said…
RM - Join in!!!I don't participate as regularly as I used to, but, as you say, it keeps you posting a little more regularly. I got the idea from a number of bloggers who participate in 'Silent Sunday,' and at one point I even published rules and a link to whoever came up with the original idea. One of my favorite SS posters is Emma at Bavarian Sojurn. She posts photos that are all works of art and an absolute treat to look at.
I'll never be in that league, but I do enjoy posting photos if they're interesting or unusual.
BavarianSojourn said…
Is it near a bread factory?? Hope all is well! :)
Mysterious. We think we know and we so utterly don't.

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