But what will I call the blog?

"Man plans, God laughs."  - Yiddish proverb

Those of you who have been reading this blog since its inception will be aware that the name, Asia Vu refers to that strange I've been here before feeling that MrLogical and I experienced when moving back to Asia (many years later) as adults after spending a good chunk of our expatriate childhoods in the Far East.

The original plan was to write a blog that would chronicle the 2 years we would spend in Seoul, then return to the US after our brief expat adventure and settle back into suburbia.  #1 would be halfway through University, #2 would be able to graduate high school with his friends.  The Yellow Dog would be returned to us, and (with the exception of the addition of one Boston Terrier) life would pretty much return to normal.

So, Asia Vu really fit.  Head back to Asia, see what it's like after all this time, have a little taste of the expat experience again, then - a return to reality.

I never thought beyond that.  Two years in Asia, I thought, and then we'll be heading back.

What I failed to do, however, was to think ahead about what I would call the blog if we didn't move back, or if we moved somewhere else.

Which, as it turns out, I should have done, because we'll be packing up and moving to the UK in just over 8 weeks.

To Bristol, England, to be precise (North American readers, on the off chance you are not intimately familiar with the location of cities in the UK like I was 7 weeks ago when this whole thing started, Bristol is located in the Southwest part of England, approximately a 2-hour train ride from London. It looks perfect for us, but more on that later.)

You may well be surprised.  MsCaroline was certainly surprised. Oh, there'd been a few rumblings here and there in late summer, but nothing serious enough to plan for. Certainly nothing that would have led us to believe we'd be packing up and moving across the world in 8 short weeks during the Christmas holidays. *cue maniacal laughter*

The short version of the story is that MrL has a new position (same company) which requires his presence in the UK by the start of January. Son #2   settled our most pressing concern (completing high school and applying for college) by sanctioning the move (some of you may remember that he is an ardent anglophile anyway) and applying for early graduation (one does not simply pull their child out of school in the middle of his senior year without a significant buy-in) and is presently knocking himself out to do the extra coursework that he needs to graduate in December as well as finishing up all of his college applications.  I will be wrapping up my teaching contract mid-year (someday, remind me to write a post about trailing spouses) and am beginning the process of getting my credentials assessed to get QTS (qualified teacher status) in the UK, which seems like it will be a long and headachy and excessively bureaucratic process.  (In this way, at least, it sounds exactly like the USA.) After having (what I consider to be) a dream job for the past 3 years, I'm not exactly rushing to jump into another position, but I'm wise enough to know that time will be hanging heavy on my hands after #2 heads off to University in August or September, and I'm trying to plan ahead.  *sob*

So, somehow, between now and 2nd January, we'll be packing up, moving out, and wrapping up our loose ends.  #2 will move along with us to spend a few months taking the train to London every single weekend to visit his friends at University experiencing life in England before returning to the US for university in the fall.  At some point, in the spring or summer, #1 will likely be out to visit us in our/his new home.

Things are slowly falling into place - as they always do.

But still....what will I call the blog?

Any ideas are welcome, although I can't promise anyone I won't just keep calling it Asia Vu and just tack on Moves West  or UK Version.  I really do love the name Asia Vu (MrL thought of it) but you're a clever bunch and likely will come up with something even better - I'm entertaining any and all suggestions.

In the meantime, my mantra is (in the words of the inimitable Eddie Murphy):



Trish said…
Oh my goodness! You are coming to the UK. So exciting for us, if rather stressful for you.

I will have a think about names, but I'm not the best to ask as I have a blog name which now doesn't really fit our circumstances, now that I am not really doing travels with children. Having said that, whilst toying with the idea of Trish Goes To.., the family travel group I am part of has just had a big launch so I may just stick with my mummy blog name for the time being.

But, since you asked, I will put my thinking cap on.
MsCaroline said…
Trish - a bit stressful, yes, but you're too kind about the 'exciting' part. I'm looking forward to finally meeting you and some of my other favorite UK bloggy folks - probably the best part. At the moment, everything's normal and it doesn't seem possible that we'll be leaving soon. As far as the blog name goes - don't change it! Just because you're not travel(l)ing with children doesn't mean you're not still a mum!
Hooray, hooray, hooray! What exciting news! Sadly, we won't make it to Korea before your departure, but with extended family just outside London there may be a better chance of meeting there... (Which is silly, right? I mean we're currently neighbors geographically!). I love Asia Vu and think it should stay. But I know what you mean. Thinking we'd be in Macau for many, many years, I originally had "Wandering Macau"... oops. That only works for Macau! My husband is jumping into contract renegotiating for us to remain here for several more years. I confess, it's hard to even imagine staying in one place any longer than we already have, and it's hard to believe that of all the places we have ever lived, Shanghai is the place we're settling! We'll see what the future brings, but now that we have a school situation for the boys which seems to be working, I don't want to move away any time soon. Good luck with all the details you're surely up to ears with! our first international move was Los Angeles to Tokyo, with a newborn, on four weeks notice which we got while spending Christmas with my parents. Moves around Christmas time are always somehow extra magical in my mind! Happy packing!
Oh wow you're moving to England!

Bristol is fabulous, I went to Uni there and it is such a great city. If I didn't live in London, I would want to live there. You will love it.

We must meet up...as for what to call the blog, I'll have a think. Do you know which area of Bristol you'll live in?
Potty Mummy said…
I would stick with the name with some kind of UK reference tacked on: you like it, it works, why not? (Mind you, I AM still calling my blog The Potty Diaries 6 years after my youngest child was potty trained, so...). And I have to say that your news is beyond exciting to me - for reasons I will email you about off-line...
Potty Mummy said…
Oh, and my favourite mantra in those situations is: 'Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming...' (Dory, 'Finding Nemo'. In case you were wondering)
Nance said…
My goodness. I'd be restrained in my bed at The Home. It's all Very Sudden.

I'm looking forward to reading more adventures as Asia Vu transitions to Asia VUK. Which is not a good name because it could be mispronounced and read as Asia Vuck. How disappointing.

Keep calm and carry on.
MsCaroline said…
Heather - well, I have to say, 'magical' is not the first word that came to mind when I heard we'd be making the move over Christmas, but I'll do my best to try and keep that concept in mind. ; ) Once again, we're hosting kids this week from an international school in Shanghai, and I immediately thought of you. So sorry we won't be able to meet up while I'm still in Asia, but I feel sure we are destined to meet on some continent or other at some time. Didn't realize your boys were at a Chinese school (kept thinking they must be at one of the internationals that my son's school interacts with in the Asia Pacific Conference) but after reading your post decided it was as about as authentic an experience as one could have, and sounds like it's working brilliantly for them! Still noodling over the blog name - I still have 8 weeks to make a decision....
MsCaroline said…
NVG- Had no idea you'd gone to Uni there - glad to get such positive feedback! We're not sure yet where we'll be living. Since #2 will be finished, schools are not an issue. We've really enjoyed city living for the last 31/2 years, and want to avoid long commute times for MrL, so we're probably going to try to find something close to where he'll be working (Temple Mead area) and within walking distance to transport, shops and restaurants. We're looking in the Clifton area (and neighborhoods around it) and have also heard that Bishopston is a funky and interesting neighborhood, but of course, everything looks much different online. I haven't completely ruled out living in an outlying village, but I suppose we'll just have to look at it once we get there! Would absolutely love to meet up with you whenever we finally get to London - something fun to look forward to after the stress of moving!
MsCaroline said…
Clare - I'm leaning toward sticking with it, but in all fairness, yours can really be interpreted both ways (were you thinking ahead, or just lucky?) which is not quite the case in mine. I agree, though: now we just have to choose what to tack on the end. I can't wait to hear what your news is, but will look forward to hearing it and have a few guesses as to what it might be, based on what I've seen in your blog. Oh, and we use the Dory quote as well - my boys may be well past the Disney stage, but I still remember the films very clearly!
MsCaroline said…
Nance - yes, being in a bed at The Home sounds very attractive right now, certainly in comparison to what I'm doing at the moment. So unfortunate that I'm still of (relatively) sound mind. I'm still leaning toward tacking something on, too, and 'Asia Vuk' doesn't sound any worse than everything else I've thought through in my mind. I'm doing my best to Keep Calm, although it's not in my nature. Maybe the British influence will help me get better at it after I've lived there a while.
BavarianSojourn said…
This is a problem that bothers me for when we move on one day. Having already changed from A Scandinavian Sojourn however, lessons have been learned and I think I will stick with A Bavarian Sojourn wherever we end up next. Who knows! Anyway, congrats. You will love Bristol, it's a very cool city and it has some beautiful countryside on its doorstep! Sad I didn't get to see you in Korea though, but Bristol is much closer! :D xx
MsCaroline said…
Emma - well, in your case, you could always just change your blog name to "__________ Sojourn" and it would be part of your series....far better thinking ahead than I did! Sorry you didn't make it to Korea, but hope we'll be able to meet up in England or Europe- shall I tuck a container of gochujang into my suitcase for you? ; )
Circles said…
Oh wow, fantastic news!!! My whole family went to university in Bristol (mum, dad, brother, I had to be different and go somewhere else!). It's a wonderful city. I love it there - and Bath (which you'll also love) is nearby. This is such good news! It also means we'll be able to meet - I'm imaging a little bloggers' convention with Nappy Valley Girl and anyone else we can rustle up! I'm a little disappointed I won't get to meet you in Seoul (my DH is there right now!) but you couldn't have chosen a better city to move to. (Clifton is lovely)... Wales not too far. London within easy reach. Thrilled for you!
MsCaroline said…
Circles - I'm feeling better all the time about this move! Another vote for Clifton is very encouraging - it looks lovely online and is a great location for MrL's office (after almost 2 years of a commuter marriage, I'm not interested in him spending any more time than necessary on his way to work!) I met a lady from the UK whose sister lived for years in Clifton and absolutely loved it. Just hope we can find the right place - January's not exactly the best time for a house hunt. ; ) I'm sorry we can't meet in Seoul, either - I would have known all the best places to go! I would love to meet some of you (my long-time favorite British bloggers) at some point. Even thought about sneaking up to London for BritMums just to sit in the back and goggle open-mouthed at all my favorite blogging celebs. ; ) Looking forward to it very much - just have to survive the next 8 weeks!
Definitely Clifton (or Redland, which is next to it). Clifton is where the University is, and the Brunel suspension bridge, and next to the downs and the zoo, and you'll find lovely Georgian houses and big spacious flats. I don't know Bishopston, but I know the city has changed a lot since I was there, so that might be a fun area too. I'm really excited for you...
MsCaroline said…
Well, Clifton is our first choice, and if we can find something there, we're ready to go! Biggest problem seems to be finding something big enough that isn't a student accommodation(need to accommodate MrL's collection of bikes, racquets, and climbing gear...) So far it seems that everything we've found that we like doesn't allow pets: we'd really like to bring our dog with us, but we're not willing to live for 3 years in a horrible place (so far, only the horrible ones have said 'pets considered') just so we can have her. So that will be an added challenge! We're also looking down near the Harbo(u)r: lots of new building and development, shops and restaurants, good transport and great views (as well as water taxis!) - definitely not the charm of Clifton, but there seems to be more to choose from. I suppose a lot of it will come down to seeing it all in person. We weren't able to make a trip out to look at everything because of the incredibly short notice of this whole move. But we've got plenty of time to look once we get there - we'll be in a serviced apartment until our shipment arrives - no idea how long that will be. ; )
Anonymous said…
England! I can't wait to see what your adventures bring.
Safe travels!
Trish - SixinSeoul, which is now SixontheRoad if I ever choose to write again...
MsCaroline said…
Trish- where are you? Did you leave Seoul? Last post I saw was when your Boy#1 graduated last June! I saw your Shanghai post, but it didn't say where you were or what you'd been doing. I think of you every single time I make basil lime martinis( There may be a batch I. The fridge right now....) and have been wondering where your travels had taken you! You can PM on face Book on my AsiaVu page if you don't feel like posting it all here. Glad to know you're still out there. The boggy world misses you....
MsCaroline said…
*bloggy*....stupid iPad autocorrect.
How great! I do so hope we can meet up. Bristol is about three hours away by car from here and a very nice city. I have a daughter living not too far from Bristol, in South Wales, so I am sure we can make it happen. Very best of luck with packing and moving. I would agree with the idea of something in the harbour area or you could go for the authentic UK experience and live in Bath and have a Jane Austen period! half an hour by car to Temple Meads or 15 minute train journey. How very exciting!

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