Silent Sunday


Stacy said…
I understand the idea behind Silent Sunday but I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS about this lovely photo! Who, what, where, why???
MsCaroline said…
Stacy - this past weekend was the Lotus Lantern Festival, held each year in Seoul in honor of (or in anticipation of, since it's not til the 28th) Buddha's birthday. Everywhere you look in Seoul right now, there are lanterns hanging up, I am assuming as a symbol of the light that the Buddha brought into the world. On Saturday night, there was a parade. Many monks from local Buddhist temples participated, and this particular group were carrying lanterns shaped like bowls. This is one of my favorite shots, the shaven-headed monks walking along holding their lanterns in the twighlight...I think the blur from their movement even added to the overall effect. Cool, huh?
BavarianSojourn said…
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Karen said…
Loved it... and thanks for the explanation, I was also wondering. Glad you have one of your boys home, it won't be long before both of them will be safe in their own beds. And at last a truly good nights sleep for Mama, I'll bet!

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