Bluebonnets: Ask, And Ye Shall Receive

When I wrote this post a few weeks ago about how I was missing Bluebonnet season in Texas, it was really more an extension of my long whiny rant about Winter in Seoul that began back in November and is still continuing as we speak.  I was cold, tired of winter, and desperately missing sunshine and spring flowers that I knew were to be had in abundance back in Texas.  I was hoping for a certain amount of sympathy for suffering through the Winter That Would Not End (which you all provided in spades, thank you very much) and also thought I might enlighten a few readers who might not have ever seen or heard of Texas Bluebonnets.  Beyond that, I had no particular goals.

Naturally, I knew that no one could pack me up some actual bluebonnets and send them to me.  However, I had not counted on the creativity and resourcefulness of my friends, who saw my need, and filled it.  The first response came from my friend, M, who had read my post and decided that my bluebonnet-less situation just Would Not Do.  About a week after the post went up, I got a package from her containing, among other things - a bowl, some plates, and two enormous coffee mugs (exactly MsCaroline size - do my friends know me, or what?) While the items themselves were welcome, it was the pattern on them - bluebonnets, of course - that really warmed my heart:

More bluebonnets - and, yes, this mug is huge!

 (Thanks, M.)

The second response from home came in the form of a FaceBook photo, posted by my friend, T.  The photo was of her dog, Yogi, lying in a field of bluebonnets. Granted, Yogi was clearly recovering from some powerful exertion, since his tongue was hanging out to such an extent that it looked photoshopped, but since I usually saw him looking something like that anyway, I found it charming and endearing.  (Note:  Yogi was one of the yellow dog's first-ever 'friends' and, as such, dear to us as well.  In fact, when I was staying at T's house back in January, I actually got more choked up over my reunion with Yogi than I did with T and her family.  What this says about me, I do not want to know.)  

Anyway, as soon as I saw the photo (and 'liking' it), I immediately messaged T and asked her if I could use the photo in my blog.  She responded in the affirmative, and stated that, actually, she'd had me in mind when she took it.  Why this should have made me feel so happy, I do not know, except to say that, when you're on the other side of the world, it does you a world of good to know that you're still being thought of back home.

Of course, I'm still 6,000 miles away from home, and winter hasn't quite let us out of its grip here in Seoul. But I'm sipping coffee out of my bluebonnet mug, and looking at Yogi's happy, exhausted face in a meadow of bluebonnets, and it doesn't feel like Spring - or home - is quite so far away.



Karen saidā€¦
Love the bluebonnets...have never seen them for real but am reveling in their beauty. I know a Yogi dog who is a Shiz tzu so it was a bit of a shock to see your Yogi friend. Wasn't expecting anyone so big....
Off to relax!
MsCaroline saidā€¦
Karen, I'm pretty sure that Yogi is the largest lab I have ever seen, and definitely one of the sweetest and best-trained. He was so good and patient with Shiner when he (Shiner) was an annoying little puppy who was constantly biting him and chewing on his ears, too. The bluebonnets are lovely, aren't they? That photo has brought a smile to my face regularly since my friend posted it!
Trish saidā€¦
How lovely of your friend to send you the bowl and mugs. I can see why you miss the bluebonnets; they are beautiful.

I've never seen such a big tongue on a dog!
BavarianSojourn saidā€¦
What lovely friends you have! I have never seen bluebonnets, but they look quite beautiful! Emma :)
MsCaroline saidā€¦
Trish - yes, I am lucky to have the friends I do! As far as Yogi's tongue goes, he's a very big dog, so maybe he's got a tongue to match!
MsCaroline saidā€¦
Emma - The bluebonnets were one of the nicest surprises of our first Spring in Texas - I will always have a soft spot for them...
Trish saidā€¦
Friends are the best! I love it! We will be heading out this weekend to take pictures in the bluebonnets. This will be the last picture I take of ALL FOUR of my children in the bluebonnets as Boy 1 will be going to college once our tour in Seoul comes to an end (LOL, we haven't even gotten there and I am already thinking about the end...) AND I am going to LOWES today to buy bluebonnet seeds to bring to Seoul. I'll make sure to pick up an extra package for you. :o)
MsCaroline saidā€¦
Trish - I'll look forward to seeing those photos of the 4 of them in the bluebonnets. You'll have to do cherry blossoms or something next Spring! You ARE an optimist, aren't you? I couldn't get bluebonnets to germinate and grow in my yard in TX under (fairly) ideal conditions - can't wait to see if you can make them grow in Seoul!
Trish saidā€¦
:o) We will have bluebonnets in Korea, we will - that is if I can find seed packets! I went to Lowes, Home Depot and Wal-Mart today looking for them. No luck. I'll keep looking.
OH, and yes, I can't wait to take pictures in the cherry blossoms next year!
MsCaroline saidā€¦
Trish - good luck! Our HEB used to sell them sometimes at the checkout - can't hurt to try!
Unknown saidā€¦
How gorgeous!! And even better than the real thing, you can keep this forever!

And I love, love, love the dog in the bluebonnets!!

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